Thursday 27 August 2015

Giant Pom Poms!

Hi Guys!
My friend thinks that pompom is a very amazing word, and I must say, I agree. Just listen to the sound of it on your tongue. Pompom. The word itself even conjures up images of joviality. So why don't you keep some of that special-ness in your room, by making some giant ones? They are really quick to make, and you can hang them anywhere. Mine are in my window, or you could put them on your door, or make lots to turn into a garland.
You will need:
-Tissue paper
-String or thread
1) Cut all your papers to size. Mine where about 16cm, but that is pretty small.
2) Layer your papers on top of each other, then fold them in a concertina shape, like a fan.
3) Fold in the middle, and tie some thread around it to keep it in place. At this stage if you want, you can cut the end to make different shapes.
4) Get a longish strip of ribbon to be the loop. Poke one end under the thread, then tie both ends together.
5) Take the first layer of paper and bend it up, away from the other pieces. Do the same to the other half of the same piece. Then, flip and do this on the other side of the pompom. Continue doing this until you have bent all the layers up.
6) Your your pompom may look a bit funny, so just tease and poof the layers until it is looking full. Then you have finished, so go and hang it up somewhere.

By Annie

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