Sunday 13 September 2015

Felt popsicle badges

Sorry I have posted in a while. We started school again and I have had lots of work to do. For example, did you know that in ionic bonding the metals lose electrons, but the non-metals gain electrons. But anyway chemistry is rather boring and I would rather be sewing.
You will need:
felt (three colours, and a brown)
- a sewing machine (though you can also hand sew it)
- a needle and thread
- some stuffing
- a safety pin
- scissors
1 Fold a piece of felt in half and draw out a popsicle shape on it, with two lines each a third down. Cut out the shape.
2 Put the felt on a lighter piece, and draw lines up to the first third, then join them up, so you have drawn a rectangle the size of the first third.
3 Cut this section out. Do the same for the second third.
4 Unfold the main piece of felt, and sew the two rectangles of felt onto it, with the colours going from lightest to darkest.

5 Fold the felt so the two right sides are facing into each other, and sew around three sides, leaving the bottom open.
6 Cut out a piece of brown felt, the shape of a popsicle stick.
7 Turn the popsicle back the right way, and stuff it slightly. Put the end of the brown felt into the popsicle, then sew along the whole edge, so it is now all secured.
8 Using a needle and thread, sew a safety pin (not the side that opens) onto the main badge.

By Annie

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