Tuesday 31 March 2015

Knotted friendship bracelets

Hi Guys!
It's easter holidays for us. Yay! This means chocolate and spare time and (for some of us) holidays.Hopefully I'll be able to post more, as I'll have more time than usual. Today I'm going to teach you how to make a simple friendship bracelet, made from lots of knots stacked on each other. As this is very simple you can do it in the car, or whenever you have a spare moment, and it can be packed away easily.

You will need:
-a paperclip, or a safety pin
- three or four lengths of embroidery thread, each two arm lenths long. The more colours you use, the thicker the bracelet.

1-take all your threads and fold them in half, making a knot not too far from the top.
2-put your paperclip or safety pin through the loop created, and pin to a clipboard or your trousers if you are travelling.
3-take one thread. Cross it on top of all the others.
4-then bring it under the other threads.
5-now bring it over again, and pull tight so the knot goes to the top.
6-repeat this five time with the same colour, then do steps 3-5 with another colour
7- keep changing colours till you bracelet is long enough, then knot it at the bottom, and tie around your wrist.

There you have it, your own friendship bracelet which you can give to a friend, or wear yourself until it (sadly) falls off.

By Annie

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