Wednesday 1 April 2015

Reversible fabric headband

Hi Guys!
I know, posting two days in a row! That must be a new record for us. Maybe I'll even post tomorrow and make it three days in a row! Anyway, I thought I might continue with a sort of hair theme after the scrunchie, to today I'm going to teach you how to mkae a reversible fabric headband. These are good for keeping the hair out of your eyes, and they don't take long to make. You can sew it by hand, but machine is probably quicker.
You will need
2 pieces of fabric, roughly 5cm by 22cm, depending on how big your head is
A piece of elastic long enough to go the rest of the way around your head
A sewing machine/ needle and thread

1- pin your two fabrics front to front, and cut out the shape from both of them.
2- sew along three sides, then turn inside out so you can see the patterns.
3- Sew up the last edge, then sew one end of the elastic to each end.

 And now you've finished it. Maybe even make several in different patterns to go with different outfits, or one in school colours for school.

By Annie

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