Saturday 20 February 2016

Elastic bookmark

As you might have seen from our Instagram, Issy and I just came back from a lovely trip to Granada, where, although beautiful, it rained every single day. Not what we were expecting for southern Spain. But now on to our post. Now, I I know that in these long winter evenings, we all like to read a nice book. And so, I designed this easy bookmark tutorial. The good thing is that the elastic goes around the book, so the bookmark won't fall out.
Also if you need any good book recommendations, please check out Kiki's blog, which posts great book reviews >>
You will need:
- two types of fabric
- elastic
- card
- scissors
- a sewing machine
- any ~embellishments~ you want

1) Cut a rectangle out of paper, 16cm x 6cm, then pin it to both pieces of fabric together. Cut around, so you end up with two identical rectangles of fabric.
2) Add any embellishments that you want. I made this for a friend, so I put a felt L on mine.
3) Now cut out a 15cm x 5cm piece of card, which will go inside the bookmark to stiffen it.
4) Place you two pieces of fabric right sides facing inwards. Snip a pice of elastic long enough to go halfway around a book. Then lay it inbetween the two pieces of fabric, with a bit poking out at each end. Sew three sides of the fabric together, leaving one short side open. Make sure the elastic is now firmly sewn in on one end.
5) Turn your fabric inside out, so the right sides now face out. Slide in the cardboard.
6) Finally, place the other end of the elastic into the bookmark, and sew up the end.

By Annie

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