Saturday 24 January 2015

Candy Cane Scrub

Hi guys!
Do you find that you always have loads of candy canes left over after Christmas? Well, here's a fun and useful way to use them up.

You will need:
-900g caster sugar
-250ml olive oil
-a few candy canes
-30-40 drops of your favourite essential oil
-a jar

1) Put 900g of sugar into a bowl. Stir to get rid of any lumps. The sugar works as a gentle exfoliant.

2) Put in the olive oil. It should now have the consistency of wet sand, and not be too soggy. Olive oil is best, with skin soothing properties, but sunflower and almond oil are good as well.

3) Add in 30-40 drops of your essesntial oil. I used tea tree oil.

4) Smash up the candy canes. Put then in a zip lock bag, then crush them with a rolling pin. Stop when it's a similar size to the sugar.

5) Put a large amount of the sugar in the bottom of the jar. Then sprinkle some candy cane on top of that. Put in alternating layers of sugar and candy cane until it's all used up.

There you have it, you have finished your scrub. It's really nice as a present or you can 
keep it for yourself
By annie

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