Tuesday 13 January 2015

Ten Uses for Washi Tape

Hi guys!

Okay, so we both are really obsessed with washi tape, and we decided to do this so you know what to use it for. Washi tape is great because it's actually quite strong, it doesn't leave any marks, and you can get it in so many patterns. We have other posts on washi ideas too, so make sure you check them out!

1. Decorate your keyboard in tape. Just cut out squares roughly the right size and stick it in.

2. Put it on all your cables so you know which one is which on is which and you don't get confused.

3. Similar to number two. Decorate your charger with it.

4.  You can put it on your light switches to make it look more cheerful.

5. Make little bookmarks out of a paperclip and some tape. Simply thread the tape through and cut it. These are good as they are not valuable if you lose them.

6. Put it around your glue sticks, pens etc. so you know which one is yours and people don't take it.

7. Decorate boring notebooks.

8. Put it on your coat hangers, to make them more happy.

9. Wrap it around pencils.

10. Make mini bunting out of it.

NB: the picture for number 10 is Issy's, so it looks slightly different
By Annie
Projects: (top) 10,1,3
(middle) 2,5,4,8
(bottom) 6,9,7

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