Saturday 17 January 2015

Super Easy Friendship Bracelet

Hi Guys!
Today I'm going to teach you how to make a friendship bracelet. They are super easy and you can either make them using four or two colours.

1) If you are using four colours, cut each of them around thirty cm. If you are using two colours, double the length, cut it, then fold it in half. Line up all the threads next to each other, then tie them all together at the top.

2) Take the first thread. Cross it on top of the second thread.

3) Put the first thread under the second thread, then pull to tighten. Complete steps 2 and 3 for all the other threads in the row.

4) Pick up the first thread again. Complete steps 2 to 3 for this row. Do steps 2 to 4 until the bracelet is long enough to go around your wrist. Tie it off, cut of any extra thread, and wear!
By annie

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