Wednesday 14 January 2015

How To Make Lipbalm

Hi guys,

Do you always use lipbalm and ever thought it might be fun to make your own? Well today we are going to teach you how to make your own lipbalm. All of the ingredients are very common, and you probably have them all at home already.

You will need
-petroleum jelly (vaseline)
-other lip balm or lipstick (if you want colour)
-lemon juice, chocolate or other flavour, if you want it

1) Put some vaseline in a bowl and microwave it. After thirty seconds see how melty it is. If it is still quite hard put it in again for another thirty seconds.

2) Mix in some existing lipbalm or lipstick for colour. Lipstick will produce a stronger colour than lipbalm.

3) Add in your spices or oils. I used ginger, nutmeg and cinnamon. Lots of things will work such as vanilla, chocolate powder, honey, lemon juice or mint oil.

4) Put it in your container. Warning: this part can be tricky and a bit messy. Then, you are done!

*- they sell good containers at Muji, or could could use an old lipbalm container. You can also make your own container if you cut the lid off a bottle, then superglue celophane to the raw edge. The top will act as a lid.

By annie

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